Whimsical Watercolor: Paint Pretty & Enjoy the Process Shayda Campbell texte en entier pdf

Whimsical Watercolor: Paint Pretty & Enjoy the Process

de Shayda Campbell

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William Buhlman does a fantastic piece of work in this book! I love his practical exercises that the layman can use to become fully aware of his/her Higher Self, while still incarnated inside a human body (our vehicle for consciousness).He takes the reader through simple, easy to follow steps to increase their conscious awareness in this 3D realm so that, when we transition from our physical state into one of the many infinite astral dimensions, we can learn to resist all the flashy, illusory distractions of form which we will likely encounter while passing through the Astral Realms during our final transition. This is another reason why Souls get stuck in a low density reincarnation cycle.William explains in chapter 8, for example, about how to achieve 'Escape Velocity' so we can catapult ourselves into really high vibrational states and into dimensions where we can more readily evolve our consciousness even further. There's much to learn from this well written guide written by William Buhlman.The second part of the book, written by Susan Buhlman, describes many helpful ways to make the final transition as conducive to achieving your highest potential as a spiritual being, as easy and comfortable as possible. She has many great suggestions how to help prepare yourself and others for transition to their Higher Self.This book is a good read, and, if you're open to change, it will raise your level of consciousness!

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